Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Picks For UFC 161: The Winnipeg Screwjob

Sup dudes. Are any of you excited for this card ? Don't say yes. If you say yes, I'm going to block you from reading these forever and your life will be a tad more dull. I know I'm not excited for this card. Imagine if I said yes ? How do you ban yourself from reading your own fight picks ? Shit just got Inception'd in here. Anyways...

Onward To Golgotha

But seriously. You guys remember when this card was actually sorta kinda decent ? I mean Barao was going to sub Wineland and Nog was gonna split decision Shogun but at least it legitimized streaming the PPV illegally. Now it's not even worth getting on my computer for. Unless somebody comes up with a radical plan for tomorrow night I'll probably end up slumming it with you guys in the discussion zone. I mean I love chatting with you guys about fights, it's my favorite thing, but jeez...this card is more depressing then getting snubbed by a girl who said she'd go on a date with you. *crickets* *douchechills* *crickets with douchechills*

"A RIGHT HAND ! ANOTHER RIGHT HAND ! BWABWABWABWA IT'S OVER !!". EASILY my favorite call by Maura Ranallo. He really should be Hendo's official commentator when a knockout is guaranteed. Too bad it's not happening tomorrow night because Rashad is gonna run away for 15 triflin' ass minutes. Oh please MMA gods, please bless us with a decent fight with some semblance of drama. But Crom has been a real fucking asshole to me lately so it'll probably end in the first minute with an eyepoke by Arianny because she's jealous of Brittney Palmers stupid nutrition company taking off now. Can Brittney Palmer shut up with her dumb ass nutrition tips on Instagram already ? Jesus christ that is some overbearing shit. No one cares that you work out every day, or you do really terrible stencils, just continue to wear booty shorts and smile. Enough. Hendo by H-Bomb because if Rashad landed an N-Bomb it'd be really uncomfortable.

Oh Roy Nelson. You racist fucking scumbag. You don't call Daniel Cormier an Uncle Tom. My god, how fucking stupid can you be ? He's going to clinch against the cage with you for 15 minutes. Are you man enough to handle that ? DIDN'T THINK SO. Also, can I use this space to talk about how christ rapingly ignorant Josh Thomson is ? HOLY. SHIT. Gay marriage is a gateway drug to pedophilia and bestiality ? Dude...what ? How did you even. WHAT ?! Seriously ? Are you part of this planet ? Oh my god. You headkick Nate Diaz's stupid face off and the world loves you, then you turn around and drip tard slobber all over it. Why would you EVER say something like that ? You and Roy Nelson can go be useless fuckbags that no one cares about ever. Let Josh Burkman choke your dumb ass out forever on some bogus ass World Series Of Farting card. Ugh. Oh I have to make a pick...umm...Cro Cop Miocic by left headkick because this card sucks anyways and who cares.

Ryan Jimmo has perpetual duckface. I should pick him to get knocked out until the universe collapses under the weight of my beard but Igor Pokerjack has pillowfists so that's not happening. Damnit. Jimmo by decision because Canada.

Shawn Jordan has some thick legs but they're not as beefy as mine. I'm the real beefcastle here, don't ever forget it. Pat Barry rules. That's really all I can say about him, as annoying as he gets sometimes, he throws every punch at 666% kill power. Can't ever pick against someone that has zero fucks to give. WAR Pat Barry forever.

The only guy more delusional than Josh Thomson is Jake Shields. Does he really believe the shit he says ? He's looked like my poop after eating lots of Sriracha in all of his UFC fights, plus he failed a drug test, and then thinks he can match Woodley's KO power. HUH ? When has Milquetoast Man ever shown KO power ? He tried jabbing an apricot in his backyard once and it bounced back and broke his fucking jaw. Shields just sucks. Tyrone Woodley gonna THROW THEM 'BOWS, THROW THEM 'BOWS. TKO 1st round.

I'm getting tired so it's time for the mandatory prelim stream of consciousness:

Alexis Davis looks like a slightly cuter version of Sarah Kaufman, I think ? I don't know. Never seen her right. I only recognize Rosi Sexton's name from Fighter's Only articles. Heard she should be fighting at 125 too. Darn. Alexis Davis by sub 1st round. James Krause looks like somebody...damnit. Who ? OH. He kinda looks like a tall Dustin Poirier. War Tall Dustin Poirier. Sam Stout fucking sucks anyways. Sean Pierson is terrible. I hope K-Rob does something to him that makes him bleed and cry and scream a bunch. Who the fuck is Roland Delorme ? Edwin Figueroa should be fighting at 125 but he's fucking lazy and shoulda been cut by the UFC already. this fights gonna be awkwardly shitty. Can't wait. War nobody. John Maguire finally dropped down to 155 and Mike Dolce needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP. War Maguire. Yves Jabouin can go retire. Thanks. Hope to see you jezebels in the discussion zone tomorrow. PEACE.

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